We The Parents

We The Parents
Corona measures have a huge impact on the lives of children. The past year, now and in the future. As parents we should therefore be very critical of the usefulness and necessity of these measures. Especially now that it is becoming increasingly clear that the scientific basis for most measures is wafer-thin and mainly justified by unreliable models, doomsday scenarios and fuelled fears.
The question is when we will start putting the interests of our children first again. For:
- What are the (possible) psychological consequences of the measures in the short term?
- What does it mean to a toddler if they are made responsible for the health of an adult?
- What happens to the subconscious of a child who is continuously exposed to signals of fear by an environment with masks?
- Or the threat of lockdowns and quarantine?
- Is that good for your child? Is that in your child’s best interest?
More and more psychologists are warning of irreparable damage to mental health for today’s children.
Irreparable Damage
The Health Care & Youth Inspectorate notes a huge increase in suicidality, depression and disorders among children and adolescents as a direct result of the measures. Youth care is running aground. As parents we have an individual and collective responsibility to protect our children from this.
Connect And Unite
Are you also concerned about the effects of the corona measures on your child(ren)? Then join We the Parents. We the Parents is a collective of thousands of concerned parents in The Netherlands who stand up for the freedom, development and welfare of children and to protect them from the negative effects of the measures. We the Parents is here for all parents with school-age children or in child care.
We help connect and unite parents. After all, together you stand stronger to protect your child(ren) from the harmful effects of the measures. You can find the school of your child on www.wijdeouders.nl/verbinden and get in touch with other concerned parents quickly and easily. In this way you can take powerful action together to protect the interests of your children. Meanwhile, there are already more than 1000 active groups of concerned parents. And there are more every day.
Strenght Through Knowlegde
We also help you with useful and valuable information. Information that helps you and strengthens you to do what you need to do. For example about:
- the psychological consequences of the measures for children,
- The legal aspects,
- Which school or childcare centre you can go to that does have the child’s best interests at heart,
- Or how to constructively talk to teachers, school boards or other parents.
We share the answers to these and many more questions with you through our website and social media.
Taking Responsibility Is About Taking Action
But things don’t change by themselves. It takes action to do so. We are not spectators, we are the parents. Every parent is responsible for the well-being of their child(ren). Every parent will therefore have to take action themselves if this is in danger. We the Parents therefore call on every parent who feels and realizes that the measures are not in the best interest of his or her child(ren) to take this responsibility, to put their back into action. We the Parents supports you in this by helping you connect and unite with other parents, by providing you with valuable information and with actions and campaigns.
Join ‘We the Parents’ and take action.
Together for the freedom, development and well-being of our children. And against harmful corona measures.